Electric Bikes Are Now Legal on Pennsylvania Roadways!
Breaking News... According to the Bicycle Access Council of PA, Electric-Assist bicycles are now legal on Pennsylvania roadways as part of Act 154.
"Electric-Assist bicycles are now legal on Pennsylvania roadways as part of Act 154. In a convoluted way since first introduced in 2010, a last minute amendment was introduced by Representative Kevin Schreiber (D-95) with identical language to HB 213 by Seth Grove (R-196), which was also identical to SB 997 introduced by Mike Fleck. A definition of electric-assist bicycles [pedalcycles] will be added to the Vehicle Code. E-Bikes now will be allowed if: they include operable pedals, speed limit of 20 mph under power, motor rated at no more than 750 watts (1 hp), no more than 3 wheels, weight not more than 100 pounds, and not to be operated by persons under 16 years old.
Ed note: BAC has followed this issue since 2008 and helped draft the language needed and used to correct this lag in the Vehicle Code to keep up with technology. This is not universally meant to cover electric-assist bicycles on non-motorized trails or shared use paths, which may still be prohibited by policy in accordance with the intended use design. However, electric- assist bicycles have been included under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recently, so persons who are medically disabled may use them regardless of trail rules."
This news comes to us via Joe Stafford, Executive Director of the Bicycle Access Council. The information was shared with us from our good friend Gary DiVincenzo, President of Hybrid Cycles in west Chester, PA who also helped craft some of the language for the bill. More info at http://bicycleaccess-pa.org/ .